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Monday, July 24, 2023

How to Survive a Hurricane: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Hurricane Survival Kit in 2023


How to Prepare a Hurricane Survival Kit: Basic and Advanced Tips

Hurricanes are powerful and unpredictable storms that can cause devastating damage to homes, businesses, and communities. If you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes, you need to have a survival kit ready to help you cope with the aftermath. A survival kit is a collection of items that can provide you with basic needs such as food, water, shelter, communication, and safety in an emergency situation. In this article, we will show you how to prepare a hurricane survival kit that covers both basic and advanced needs. We will also give you some tips on how to use your kit effectively and safely.

Basic Hurricane Survival Kit

A basic hurricane survival kit should contain the following items:

  • Water: You need at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation. Store water in clean and sealed containers and replace them every six months. You can also use water purification tablets or filters to treat water from other sources.

  • Food: You need at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food that does not require cooking or refrigeration. Choose food that is high in calories, protein, and nutrients, such as canned meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, granola bars, crackers, peanut butter, and dried fruits. Avoid food that is salty, spicy, or has a strong odor, as they can make you thirsty or attract animals.

  • Flashlight and extra batteries: You need a flashlight to see in the dark and to signal for help. Choose a flashlight that is durable, waterproof, and has a long battery life. You can also use a hand-crank or solar-powered flashlight that does not require batteries. Make sure you have extra batteries for your flashlight and other devices.

  • Radio and extra batteries: You need a radio to receive weather updates, emergency alerts, and instructions from authorities. Choose a radio that can receive AM/FM and NOAA weather channels. You can also use a hand-crank or solar-powered radio that does not require batteries. Make sure you have extra batteries for your radio and other devices.

  • First aid kit and manual: You need a first aid kit to treat minor injuries and illnesses. Your kit should include items such as bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers, anti-diarrheal medication, allergy medication, scissors, tweezers, gloves, and a thermometer. You should also have a first aid manual that explains how to use the items in your kit and how to perform basic procedures such as CPR.

  • Whistle: You need a whistle to signal for help and to alert others of your location. Choose a whistle that is loud, durable, and easy to use. You can also use a whistle that has a light or a compass attached to it.

  • Dust mask: You need a dust mask to protect yourself from dust, debris, smoke, and other contaminants that may be in the air after a hurricane. Choose a dust mask that fits snugly over your nose and mouth and has a filter that can block at least 95% of particles.

  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape: You need plastic sheeting and duct tape to create a shelter or to seal windows, doors, and vents in case of leaks or damage. Choose plastic sheeting that is thick, sturdy, and waterproof. Choose duct tape that is strong, flexible, and weather-resistant.

  • Garbage bags and ties: You need garbage bags and ties to store waste, collect rainwater, or cover items. Choose garbage bags that are large, heavy-duty, and leak-proof. Choose ties that are strong and easy to use.

  • Personal hygiene items: You need personal hygiene items to maintain your health and comfort. Your items may include soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste,

Some other personal hygiene items you may need are:

  • Deodorant, razor, shaving cream, comb, hairbrush, nail clippers, sanitary pads, tampons, diapers, wipes, etc.

  • Hand sanitizer, wet wipes, tissues, toilet paper, etc.

  • Towels, washcloths, blankets, pillows, etc.

Advanced Hurricane Survival Kit

An advanced hurricane survival kit should contain the following items in addition to the basic kit:
  • Cash and important documents: You need cash and important documents to pay for expenses and to prove your identity and ownership. Store cash in small bills and coins in a waterproof container. Store important documents such as identification cards, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies, bank statements, deeds, wills, etc. in a waterproof and fireproof container or a digital format. You can also make copies of your documents and store them in a different location or with a trusted person.

  • Cell phone and charger: You need a cell phone and charger to communicate with others and to access information. Choose a cell phone that has a long battery life and a reliable service provider. You can also use a power bank, a car charger, or a solar charger to charge your phone. Make sure you have emergency contacts and useful apps on your phone.

  • Map and compass: You need a map and compass to navigate your area and to find your way to safety. Choose a map that shows roads, landmarks, shelters, and evacuation routes. Choose a compass that is accurate, durable, and easy to use. You can also use a GPS device or an app on your phone that works offline.

  • Multi-tool and knife: You need a multi-tool and knife to perform various tasks such as cutting, opening, repairing, etc. Choose a multi-tool that has different functions such as pliers, screwdrivers, scissors, etc. Choose a knife that is sharp, sturdy, and safe to use. You can also use a hatchet or an axe to chop wood or break windows.

  • Matches and fire starter: You need matches and fire starter to start a fire for warmth, light, cooking, or signaling. Choose matches that are waterproof or store them in a waterproof container. Choose fire starter that is flammable and easy to ignite such as dryer lint, cotton balls soaked in petroleum jelly,

Some other fire starters you can use are:

  • Candles, wax, crayons, etc.

  • Magnifying glass, steel wool, battery, etc.

  • Commercial fire starters such as tinder cubes, fire sticks, etc.

  • Cooking utensils and fuel: You need cooking utensils and fuel to prepare and eat food. Choose cooking utensils that are lightweight, durable, and easy to clean such as pots, pans, cups, plates, utensils, can opener, etc. Choose fuel that is safe, efficient, and easy to use such as propane, butane, alcohol, etc. You can also use wood or charcoal if you have a fire pit or a grill.

  • Extra clothing and shoes: You need extra clothing and shoes to protect yourself from the weather and to change into if your clothes get wet or dirty. Choose clothing that is comfortable, breathable, and appropriate for the season such as underwear, socks, shirts, pants, jackets, hats, gloves, etc. Choose shoes that are sturdy, waterproof, and suitable for walking such as boots, sneakers, sandals, etc.

  • Sleeping bag and tent: You need a sleeping bag and tent to sleep comfortably and safely. Choose a sleeping bag that is warm, lightweight, and easy to pack such as a synthetic or down-filled bag. Choose a tent that is spacious, sturdy, and easy to set up such as a dome or tunnel tent. You can also use a tarp or a poncho to make a simple shelter.

  • Rope and duct tape: You need rope and duct tape to secure items, make repairs, or create traps. Choose rope that is strong, flexible, and long enough for your needs such as nylon or paracord. Choose duct tape that is strong,

How to Use Your Hurricane Survival Kit

Once you have prepared your hurricane survival kit, you need to know how to use it effectively and safely. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Store your kit in a cool, dry, and accessible place. You can keep it in a backpack, a duffel bag, a plastic bin, or a wheeled suitcase. You can also divide your kit into smaller bags or containers for different purposes or members of your household.

  • Check your kit regularly and update it as needed. You should replace expired or damaged items, add new items, and remove unnecessary items. You should also test your devices and equipment to make sure they work properly.

  • Customize your kit according to your needs and preferences. You can add items that are specific to your medical conditions, dietary restrictions, hobbies, pets, etc. You can also personalize your kit with items that can provide you with comfort, entertainment, or morale such as photos, books, games, etc.

  • Use your kit wisely and sparingly. You should only use your kit when you need it and conserve your resources as much as possible. You should also ration your food and water and avoid wasting or sharing them with others unless necessary.

  • Be careful and cautious when using your kit. You should follow the instructions and warnings on the items in your kit and use them appropriately. You should also avoid creating hazards or attracting attention with your kit such as making loud noises, leaving trash, or starting fires.


A hurricane survival kit is an essential tool that can help you survive and recover from a hurricane. By following the steps and tips in this article, you can prepare a hurricane survival kit that covers both basic and advanced needs. Remember to store, check, update, customize, and use your kit properly and safely. With a hurricane survival kit, you can be ready for any disaster that may come your way.

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