
We are The Ultimate Survival Companion and our mission is to provide our readers with the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on survival, everyday carry, prepping, and other skills for emergency situations. We aim to empower our readers with the knowledge and tools they need to be prepared for any situation that may arise. Our goal is to create a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for self-reliance and preparedness
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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Easy Banana Trees for Gardening Beginners.


Easy Banana Trees for Gardening Beginners.


Welcome, Gardeners, Preppers, and Homesteaders. Isn’t it amazing how gardening can transport us to a different world? Today, we’re going to embark on a tropical journey right in our own backyards. We’re going to learn how to plant and care for our very own banana trees. So, grab your gardening gloves, and let’s dig in!

Section 1: Choosing the Right Banana Plant

The first step in our banana-planting journey is choosing the right variety. There are numerous types of banana plants, each with its own unique requirements and characteristics. It’s like going to a plant adoption center - you want to bring home the one that will thrive in your care. Research is key here - consider your local climate, soil type, and personal preferences when making your choice. Remember, the right plant will make all the difference!

Here's a list of banana trees and the conditions they thrive in

Section 2: Selecting the Perfect Location

Just like us, plants have their favorite spots too. Banana plants love the sun and require good drainage to thrive. When choosing a location for your banana plant, look for a sunny spot where water won’t pool. This will ensure your banana plant gets the light and drainage it needs. It’s like finding the perfect home for your new plant baby!

Section 3: Preparing the Soil

Next, let’s prepare the soil. Banana plants prefer rich, fertile soil. Adding organic matter or compost can greatly enhance the quality of your soil. This step will provide your banana plant with the nutrients it needs to grow and produce fruit. Think of it as preparing a comfy bed for your plant.

Section 4: Planting the Banana Tree

Now, we’re ready to plant! Dig a hole that’s twice as wide and deep as the root ball of your banana plant. Place the plant in the hole, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Backfill the hole with soil, firming it gently around the base of the plant. It’s like tucking your plant into its new bed.

Section 5: Aftercare

Once your banana tree is planted, it’s time for some TLC. Water your plant thoroughly after planting, and apply a layer of mulch around the base to conserve moisture and suppress weeds. Regular fertilization with a balanced fertilizer will also help your banana tree grow strong and healthy. It’s like cooking - the right ingredients make all the difference!

Section 6: Protecting Your Banana Plant

Finally, remember that banana plants are tropical and can be damaged by wind and cold weather. Protect your plant from harsh conditions to ensure it thrives. It’s like wrapping your plant in a warm blanket during a cold night.


And there you have it - a step-by-step guide to planting your own banana tree! With a bit of care and attention, you’ll be well on your way to growing your own tropical paradise. Remember, every plant is a journey, and every journey begins with a single step (or in this case, a single plant!).

What To Do Next?

Have you tried planting your own banana tree? Do you have any tips or experiences to share? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below! Also, don’t forget to check out our YouTube channel where you can find a video about banana tree planting and many other helpful resources. Let’s continue to grow together!

Remember, Homesteading is a journey, not a destination. So, enjoy every step (and misstep) along the way. Happy gardening! 🌱

Friday, November 17, 2023

The Ultimate Survival Companion: How to Avoid Fried Rice Syndrome.


The Ultimate Survival Companion: How to Avoid Fried Rice Syndrome

Have you ever eaten leftover rice or pasta and felt sick afterwards? If so, you might have experienced Fried Rice Syndrome, a type of food poisoning caused by a bacterium called Bacillus cereus. This bacterium can grow in cooked rice and other starchy foods that are left at room temperature for too long. It can produce toxins that cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps within hours of eating contaminated food .

Fried Rice Syndrome is not only unpleasant, but also potentially dangerous. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Bacillus cereus causes about 63,400 cases of food poisoning each year in the United States, and some of them can be fatal . For preppers, who rely on stored food and may not have access to medical care in an emergency, avoiding Fried Rice Syndrome is crucial for survival.

In this article, we will discuss how to store, cook, and reheat rice and other starchy foods safely, and how to prevent Fried Rice Syndrome from ruining your day.

How to Store Cooked Rice and Other Starchy Foods Safely

One of the most important steps to prevent Fried Rice Syndrome is to store cooked rice and other starchy foods properly. Bacillus cereus can grow rapidly in warm and moist conditions, so you should refrigerate or freeze leftovers within two hours of cooking . Use airtight containers and label them with dates, so you know how long they have been stored. The recommended shelf life of cooked rice and other foods in the fridge and freezer are shown in the table below :


Refrigerator (40°F or below)

Freezer (0°F or below)

Cooked rice

3 to 4 days

6 months

Cooked pasta

3 to 5 days

1 to 2 months

Cooked beans

3 to 4 days

6 months

Cooked potatoes

3 to 4 days

10 to 12 months

Cooked corn

3 to 5 days

8 months

How to Cook Rice and Other Starchy Foods Properly

Another important step to prevent Fried Rice Syndrome is to cook rice and other starchy foods properly. Bacillus cereus can be present in raw rice and other grains, so you should wash them before cooking to remove any dirt and dust . Use clean utensils and equipment, and boil water for at least one minute to kill any bacteria . The recommended cooking time and temperature for rice and other foods are shown in the table below :


Cooking Time

Cooking Temperature


15 to 20 minutes



8 to 12 minutes



1 to 2 hours



15 to 20 minutes



5 to 10 minutes


How to Reheat Rice and Other Starchy Foods Safely

The final step to prevent Fried Rice Syndrome is to reheat rice and other starchy foods safely. Bacillus cereus can survive cooking and reheating, so you should reheat leftovers to at least 165°F, stirring them well and checking for hot spots . The recommended reheating time and method for rice and other foods are shown in the table below :


Reheating Time

Reheating Method


1 to 2 minutes

Microwave, oven, or stove


1 to 2 minutes

Microwave, oven, or stove


2 to 3 minutes

Microwave, oven, or stove


2 to 3 minutes

Microwave, oven, or stove


1 to 2 minutes

Microwave, oven, or stove


Fried Rice Syndrome is a type of food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus, a bacterium that can grow in cooked rice and other starchy foods that are left at room temperature for too long. It can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps within hours of eating contaminated food. To avoid Fried Rice Syndrome, you should store, cook, and reheat rice and other starchy foods safely, following the guidelines in this article.

As a prepper, you should be aware of the risks of Fried Rice Syndrome and how to prevent it. It can make you sick and weak, and compromise your survival in an emergency. By practicing good food safety habits, you can enjoy your rice and other starchy foods without worrying about getting sick.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family, and check your pantry for any leftovers that might be unsafe to eat.

Friday, November 10, 2023

EMERGENCY BREAD From The Great Depression Era

You will also need a large mixing bowl, a wooden spoon, a loaf pan, and an oven.

 "Emergency" No Yeast Bread - A quick & easy loaf with no rising time (fussfreeflavours.com)

Hello and welcome to The Ultimate Survival Companion, the blog where I share tips, tricks, and recipes for surviving any situation. Today, I’m going to review a Depression era bread that is cheap, easy to make, and only requires four basic ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt, and milk or oil/water/butter. This bread is also known as emergency bread, because you can whip it up in a matter of minutes when you have nothing else to eat. It’s a simple but satisfying way to fill your stomach and get some energy.

The recipe I’m using is from Fuss Free Flavours, a website that offers delicious and affordable recipes for everyday cooking. The recipe is very straightforward and adaptable. You just need to mix the dry ingredients, add the liquid, and bake in a loaf pan for about 25 minutes. You can also add some herbs, cheese, or nuts for extra flavor and texture. The bread comes out soft and fluffy, with a golden crust. It’s perfect for toasting, making sandwiches, or dipping in soup.

If you want to try this Depression era bread for yourself, you can find the recipe here. I’ll show you how I made it and what I thought of the taste and texture. Let’s get started!

To make the Depression era bread, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 g (4 cups) plain flour (regular cake or all purpose flour not bread or wholewheat / wholegrain)

  • 2 tsp (2 tsp) baking powder

  • 1 tsp (1 tsp) salt

  • 310 ml (1 1/3 cups) milk (or water with a spoon of oil or melted butter)

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and grease your loaf pan.

  2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt.

  3. Add the milk or oil/water/butter and stir with a wooden spoon until a sticky dough forms. You may need to adjust the amount of liquid depending on the type and consistency you use. If the dough is too dry, add more liquid. If the dough is too wet, add more flour.

  4. Transfer the dough to the prepared loaf pan and smooth the top with a spatula or your hands. You can also make some slashes on the top with a knife for a rustic look.

  5. Bake the bread for 25-45 minutes, or until golden and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Your Time will depend on your oven!

  6. Let the bread cool slightly in the pan before slicing and serving.

You can enjoy the bread as it is, or you can customize it with some variations. Here are some ideas:

  • Add some dried or fresh herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, or basil, to the dough for a savory flavor.

  • Sprinkle some cheese, such as cheddar, parmesan, or mozzarella, on top of the dough before baking for a cheesy crust.

  • Mix in some chopped nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, or pecans, to the dough for a crunchy texture and extra protein.

  • Drizzle some honey, maple syrup, or jam on top of the bread after baking for a sweet treat.

And that’s how you make the Depression era bread, a cheap, easy, and versatile recipe that can save you in a pinch. I hope you enjoyed this review and learned something new. If you did, please leave a comment below and share your thoughts and experiences. I’d love to hear from you!

Here's My Results, Not bad for a first Go!

This bread is not only a great way to use up some pantry staples, but also a reminder of the resilience and resourcefulness of the people who lived through the Great Depression. They faced many hardships and challenges, but they also found ways to cope and survive. They made do with what they had, and they created some amazing dishes that we can still enjoy today. We Can learn from them incase we go through another financial depression, an emergency situation where going to the store may not be an easy option, or for that last meal at the end of a tight budget cycle. These recipes are great to keep printed out and saved in a physical form!

Thank you for reading The Ultimate Survival Companion, the blog that helps you prepare for any situation. Stay tuned for more tips, tricks, and recipes, and don’t forget to subscribe and follow us on social media to get notified of new posts. Until next time, stay safe and happy!

"Emergency" No Yeast Bread - A quick & easy loaf with no rising time (fussfreeflavours.com)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Installing A Backup Hand Pump

 Welcome to “The Ultimate Survival Companion”! In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing a backup hand pump to your water well. This is a great way to ensure that you have access to water even during power outages.

To install a backup hand pump, you will need a few tools and materials. These include a hand pump, a well cap, a well seal, a check valve, a pitless adapter, a T-fitting, and a length of pipe. You will also need a wrench, a hacksaw, and a drill.

Here are the detailed steps to install a backup hand pump:

  1. Remove the existing well cap: Use a wrench to remove the existing well cap. This will give you access to the well casing.

  2. Install the pitless adapter: The pitless adapter is a device that allows you to connect the hand pump to the well casing without having to remove the electric pump. Install the pitless adapter according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

  3. Install the T-fitting: Install the T-fitting on the top of the pitless adapter. This will allow you to connect the hand pump to the well casing.

  4. Install the check valve: Install the check valve on the T-fitting. The check valve will prevent water from flowing back down the well when you are pumping water with the hand pump.

  5. Install the hand pump: Install the hand pump on the T-fitting. Make sure that the hand pump is securely attached to the T-fitting.

  6. Install the well seal: Install the well seal around the hand pump. The well seal will prevent debris from entering the well.

  7. Attach the pipe: Attach a length of pipe to the hand pump. The length of pipe should be long enough to reach the surface.

  8. Test the hand pump: Test the hand pump to make sure that it is working properly. Pump water from the well and check the flow rate.

That’s it! With these simple steps, you can install a backup hand pump to your water well and ensure that you have access to water even during power outages. Stay safe and prepared!

Here is a GREAT video to give you a visual reference:


Easy Banana Trees for Gardening Beginners.

  Easy Banana Trees for Gardening Beginners. Introduction Welcome, Gardeners, Preppers, and Homesteaders. Isn’t it amazing how gardening can...